Here's my second set of nine drawings for the House of Illustration challenge,  each just 1 inch square, drawn daily, one small drawing a day, from 10th-18th September.

Some day's I've been busier than others, I usually start with little idea of what I'm going to draw, I'm surprised I managed to get so far! Many other artists have created some superb work in colour for this project, but I decided to stick to B/W pen and ink. And so it hopefully shall continue till the end of the month.

This month the House of Illustration in London is running a daily art challenge to create a 1-inch (26mm) square piece of artwork every day of the month and post to social media. The idea was sparked by their currently running exhibition of the work of John Vernon Lord, who drew daily one-inch square drawings as an exercise for a whole year. This challenge is just for a month, but it's the kind of thing that appeals to me, and I've decided to give it a go.
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