My, it's been a long time since I posted to my blog, you may have thought in fact I'd given up on the blog entirely. Well no, not given up at all - but I made a decision to put things on ice for a while. There are a few reasons for this, one of the biggest being a very heavy workload this year, so I've cut back on a lot of social media until things get a little easier.
So what have I been up to then? Here's a brief update on activities.
First and foremost, a cover reveal!
My next picture book collaboration with Jane Sutcliffe is currently awaiting release in the US in March 2016.
So what have I been up to then? Here's a brief update on activities.
First and foremost, a cover reveal!
My next picture book collaboration with Jane Sutcliffe is currently awaiting release in the US in March 2016.