The Giant has awoke!

Stone Giant - Michelangelo's David and How He Came to Be, written by Jane Sutcliffe, has been my biggest illustration project of the last year. Although the book was commissioned from the US, the first version to hit the shops is in Japanese - in order to tie in with a major exhibition of Michelangelo's work at the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Komine Shoten have fast released their edition of the book in advance, it's now on sale throughout Japan. The originally commissioned English language edition from Charlesbridge in the US will be out next spring (ISBN: 978-1-58089-295-7), but is already available for pre-order from your local independent bookshop, or Random House, Amazon, Foyles, Barnes and Noble and other online sites.

Last Sunday the biggest daily newspaper in Japan, Mainichi Shinbun, included a special pull-out poster feature - Moji no Nai News "News Without Words",  consisting of a large map of the world showing current events, local features and so on. I created the whole poster map, with direction from Tokyo Planet Design. 

There is a lot of detail to see, the best way to view it is with the zoom-in online version here! (click on the image to bring up the zoomable version).

Ah, back at last!! I've been avoiding social media for a time, chiefly due to a series of hurdles following our big house move, volunteer commitments, and recently more than anything just catching up with illustration deadlines. These last three weeks in particular have seen the studio candles burning very late into the night on my latest job, in fact through the night on a couple of occasions, all for a single newspaper job.
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