What I Love about Old Books
There's so much talk about new technology, of tablets and Apps, e-Books versus print publishing, it's difficult to know where you stand sometimes. None of us wants to be left behind in this digital revolution, we're told that e-publishing is a path of opportunity for illustrators. That's good news, I'm all for new opportunities, I must admit to being amazed by what can be achieved with technology. Nevertheless I'm not sure where I personally fit into this heady world of new media. I suppose I'm enthusiastic for, but not an avid enthusiast of ebooks and their like.
The more I contemplate ebooks, the more I think back to why I pursued the publishing industry in the first place. I thought I'd take a moment then to post a bit about what I love about old books.
The more I contemplate ebooks, the more I think back to why I pursued the publishing industry in the first place. I thought I'd take a moment then to post a bit about what I love about old books.