With a picture book deadline around the corner I wasn't sure I'd be able to get away to Bologna this year, but thank goodness I did go, it was an excellent Fair. As one of the organisers of the SCBWI Illustrator's Display Portfolio my involvement in the Fair began several months ago. Just before flying I was interviewed for the Cynsations blog, before putting paint brushes aside and jumping on a plane to Bologna.

I arrived in the middle of the first day of the Fair and went straight from the airport to the SCBWI stand, anticipating the pace would gradually build up during the afternoon. Much to my surprise though the stand was already surrounded by a large crowd of people, from fellow SCBWI volunteers to publishers and other professionals.

I've just finished pen and ink drawing on Jack in the Beanstalk (or rather "Jack to Mame no Ki" to give the book it's correct Japanese title).

Before I plunge into the heady world of colour and start building up layers of watercolour, here are some more scans of the artwork at the black-and-white stage.
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