Here are some more editorial illustrations from the beginning of my career in London in the mid-1980's, from music journals and listings magazines. A much harsher angle than my children's books of course, it was the post-punk era, we were all angry back then.

At that time most of my regular work was for the press, a lot of it in black and white, I've discovered literally piles of work from this era in my father's loft, it amazes me now how prolific I was then! Façade Studios was a time of great development for me. Much more than art college it was here, with a very talented and creative bunch of studio-mates, and with the harsher discipline of deadlines and desperate need to earn a living that technique, style and direction were honed. Fast ideas, fast deadlines, Good times.

Daughter and I spent part of the holiday season at my father's house. While rummaging around in his loft for my bits and pieces I was surprised and delighted to find piles and piles of my old artwork, some of it from school days in the 1970's, but also a great deal of my oldest professional work from my London studio in the 1980's. In those early days I shared a studio in Crouch End with illustrators Jane Ray and Willie Ryan, and graphic designers Chris Millett and Andy Royston.

Best wishes for a prosperous and peaceful Year of the Dragon!
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