Here are some more random meanderings from my doodle-pad sketchbook.

As I've previously mentioned, I tend to sketch and doodle when I'm on the train. However following my move to Norwich the occasions for making train journeys have decreased drastically, opportunities for doodling reveries have hence become rarer.

When I'm in the studio I turn my thoughts mainly towards work and deadlines, in particular when my daughter returns home from school sketches are especially far from my thoughts. However this is a historical and creative city, there are numerous interesting cafes in the Norwich Lanes area and parts of the old town.

Japan's biggest tourist company JTB (Japan Tourist Bureau) has just released a promotion campaign featuring this illustration. Starting from 1st July the image is being displayed in posters and other print media in JTB outlets across Japan.

It was a memorable job in more ways than one, as I began on the final artwork just as news of the Tohoku earthquake reached us. As I drew cheerful smiling faces for the illustration I watched with horror as shocking and distressing events unfolded in Japan.
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