Yesterday children's illustrators and authors were on the streets of Norwich to sketch, write and be inspired by the city. The event was part of a Europe-wide sketching and live writing event staged by Europe-based members of SCBWI, adapted from the Sketchcrawl concept. Dubbed "Scrawlcrawl", the SCBWI version expands the idea of artists wandering around an area to sketch for a day to include children's writers too.

I organised the first sketchcrawl for British SCBWI in London last year (see my blog entry for 27 November), since when the idea has really taken off in other regions.

Recently I gave a talk in London at the Japan Foundation for the UK branch of the International Children's Bunko Association.

The ICBA is a volunteer organization which provides Japanese language books and other materials like kamishibai for independent children's library reading groups (called bunko) in various countries across the world. The UK branch has been running since the mid 1970's and maintains many bunko groups in locations across the country.

I've been extremely quiet on the blog these last couple of months for which I offer wholehearted apologies. Since moving away from London there's been a lot of adjustment, finding school for my daughter, settling down etc, with a consequent backlog of things I need to catch up with. All in all it's taken me a while to get back into the swing of things so I decided on a self-imposed shut down from social media...
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