Scrawlcrawl in Norwich
Yesterday children's illustrators and authors were on the streets of Norwich to sketch, write and be inspired by the city. The event was part of a Europe-wide sketching and live writing event staged by Europe-based members of SCBWI, adapted from the Sketchcrawl concept. Dubbed "Scrawlcrawl", the SCBWI version expands the idea of artists wandering around an area to sketch for a day to include children's writers too.
I organised the first sketchcrawl for British SCBWI in London last year (see my blog entry for 27 November), since when the idea has really taken off in other regions.
I organised the first sketchcrawl for British SCBWI in London last year (see my blog entry for 27 November), since when the idea has really taken off in other regions.