It's been a while since I posted some sketches, so I thought I'd show how I work on ideas when, as often in illustration, the concept or "brief" is decided by the client, but visual interpretation is up to me. As an example I'll show how I came up with the idea for my recent house-moving image.

The house-move picture was a self-assigned brief so there was no real time limit, but often with jobs I'm on a tight deadline and sometimes don't have the opportunity to really work on lots of ideas. However for any given concept based illustration I try to come up with at least two, preferably three or four workable ideas, loosely scribbled in my larger desktop sketchbook, or doodled in my pocket notebook if I'm hit by inspiration outside.

Eight years old today, hooray hooray hooray!

I've been pretty quiet on the blog due to another shift of base, this time away from the vicissitudes of London to the gentler climes of Norwich, the jewel city of East Anglia.

There are a number of reasons why I've headed out here, one of them is familiarity with the city (my parents lived here for many years).
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