in a certain whimsical mood....

I've not posted much artwork of late, so here are some sketchbook doodles which I first showed at Bologna.

This spring I've spent a lot of time attending Book Fairs and thinking a great deal about my output, how and where my back-catalogue of 21 years work in the Far East fits in within the Western market and so on. The biggest realisation is a very simple lesson: keep drawing, doodling away, don't worry too much about the "business" of illustration, just let the ideas flow.

As has been broadcast loudly over Tweetdom and beyond, this year's London Book Fair was blighted by the total shut-down of air traffic into and out of the UK, thanks to dust clouds from the Icelandic Volcano. So for me, an LBF debutant, it was a strange and atypical experience, very different from Bologna, still fresh memory in my memory. The big international publishers were all represented and busy enough, as were of course all the British stands.

My latest book is now on release. Outside-in, written by Clare Smallman, published by Frances Lincoln in the UK,  is a new edition of a classic non-fiction lift-the-flap book on the human body. First released in the 1980's, it's been completely re-illustrated by yours truely. The US edition will be released shortly by Barron's Educational.

In a previous post I gave some sneak preview of the interior art.
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