A recent book for Charlesbridge publishers in the US, Family Reminders written by Julie Danneberg, has been chosen by the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) and the Children’s Book Council (CBC) as a Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People.

Lili at Charlesbridge tells me "This is a really great honor, and the book will be exhibited at the 2010 NCSS convention in Denver".

Here are two recent pieces completed for the British Medical Journal. The first, "Aging Tsunami" accompanied a feature about pressures on the health service as the population lives longer.

The second illustrated an article on the decision of some hospitals to ban bedside flowers as a risk to health.

Illustrators owe it to themselves to be dissatisfied, to be unhappy with their work, their situation, their direction. It's the constant burden all artists must face if they want to push forward their creativity. Never be complacent, always have something to gripe about. Creativity is galvanized by being unhappy with the way things are, for discomfort leads to change.

Last week's recent heavy snow across the UK caused transport systems and schools to close, forcing working parents to take time off. My daughter was off school virtually the whole of last week, but as I work at home now it's been business as usual. I was illustrating to a soundtrack of children's TV, punctuated with a steady stream of demands beginning with a full throated "DADDY!" and ending with "can I watch a DVD?" or "sweeties ...... please?".

London was spared the heavy snowstorms that have swept the rest of the country..... until now!

Here's the view as I write across Queen's Park.

School is cancelled for my daughter. No amount of urging on my part can persuade her to brave the elements outside, though if you look carefully some intrepid souls in the park are hard at work building snowmen.

Wishing everyone a happy and roaringly successful year ahead!
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