This is from the 4-volume collection of lesser-known tales by Hans Christian Andersen, "Unknown Andersen" published by Hyoronsha during the bi-centenary celebrations of his birth in 2005. It accompanied The Story of a Mother, a dark tale of a mother's quest to find her child after it has been stolen by Death. During her journey she faces a series of painful ordeals, including embracing a thorn bush.

Last weekend I was invited to run a workshop at the British Isles SCBWI Conference at the University of Winchester. This was the second year for the event but only the first time I'd been able to attend. It was also the first time to see the British Isles membership together, though I recognised several faces from other events such as Bologna or the Society of Authors CWIG Conference last year.

As I write, the web promo is still viewable on the SCBWI British Isles Website.
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