My work for children's literature is currently being showcased by SCBWI British Isles, having elected me the current Featured Artist. The website spotlight runs until July.

Many thanks to the organizers.

Well I'm not what anyone would describe as much of a patriot, but it seems in my long absence from the UK that celebrating the patron saint of England is nowadays acceptable. Actually I'm only half English (the other being Welsh), but any excuse to celebrate. Here's something I did for the George & Dragon pub in Florida a while back.

My thanks to Desdemona McCannon for querying the subject of doodling for a feature she's writing for Varoom (AOI magazine). I'm repeating my response here:

I always carry a small sketchbook with me everywhere I go, sometimes I use it to sketch, sometimes to practice, sometimes to work out ideas for jobs, and sometimes just to doodle. Doodling is a distinct activity for me.

Here's a sneak preview of some of the drawings from the book.

One of the most interesting things about working on historical fiction is researching the period. I've always been fascinated by history, I often think if I wasn't an illustrator I'd have become a researcher or archaeologist, nevertheless I have to admit my knowledge of 1880's Colorado was limited.

My next book out in America will be Family Reminders. Written by Julie Danneberg and published by Charlesbridge, with black and white illustrations by your's truely.

Mary McHugh has a nearly perfect life in the frontier town of Cripple Creek, Colorado, but all that changes when her father suffers a serius mining accident. He no longer whistles, plays the piano, or carves the intricate wooden "Reminders" that mark the milestones in the family's life together.
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