This image is so old I'm quite embarassed to post it, a portfolio piece right from the beginning of my career when I was fresh out of college.

This was submitted to a charity exhibition for victims of the war in Iraq.

Is this someone I've met? I'm not altogether sure. The memory can play funny tricks on you.

on your bike.

Things are getting seriously busy now as deadlines approach, so in the absence of words here are some more sketchbook grabs to amuse.

I've been rummaging through some of my old work looking for material to show my agent. Often I end up getting distracted by the pieces that I turn up and forget what I was looking for in the first place.

This is one example, an exhibition piece from several years ago which I've always had a soft spot for. The tree was actually in my local park, I did an on-the-spot sketch and developed it into this illustration.

Why can't you find as decent western tea pot in Japan (or suburban Yokohama to be more specific)? Could this be a rant coming on? Yes it is.

So the story's this. My old tea pot broke it's spout in the dishwasher, so the missus and I set out to buy a new one. Off we marched to new town shopping mall paradise "Center Kita" with our hopes high.

Center Kita - the very name ("Center North") conjures up images of modern Japanese blandness.

Something else from the sketchbook. I find the more constraining the environment around me, (concrete jungle, crowds of people etc) the more I escape into fantasy.

It's not only faces I've been doodling during those increasingly rare occasions I get a seat on the train into Tokyo. One day these doodles might develop into a finished product, then again they might not. I don't really think about where I can take them too much, it's where the drawings take me that's more important. It's just good to scribble away without any agenda other than enjoying myself.

Let me know if there's anyone here you recognise!
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