It'll soon be time to organise some new year greetings, as is the custom in Japan. Over the last few years I've tended to follow the Chinese animal calendar with images, next year will be the Year of the Boar (often misinterpreted as pig). This (Dog) year I copped out and used an illustration from one of my books, but here's what I came up with in previous years.

For anyone who fancies a peek at my work studio , I've just posted some snapshots to The Dust of Everyday Life blog, the off-duty ramblings of my illustrator friends at Picture Book Artists. Now all is revealed...

Well, travels over, back home in Japan.

It's our first trip into town to do some shopping. We get out the station, climb the stairs to the busy city street, and WHAM!

Something grabs me on the head.

It was a crow. It took me right from behind - it must have singled me out from all the myriad people on the busy street (this was the middle of Shibuya!) and tally ho down he swoops. Groped my head with both claws then flew off to a nearby tree.
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