Domestic and work matters have occupied so much of my time I've not had chance to blog much lately. Things shall settle soon I hope.

Well back to business, here's the blog of Seattle based children's illustrator John Nez, a long-time cyber colleague.John Nez Illustration: Champagne & Tulips

The world really is getting to be a smaller place when I can call someone a friend, though they may live the other side of the world and we may never have met in person. Thanks to the internet I believe I know more people in North America now than I do in the UK.

The architecture was an amazing crossover of Victorian Western design and traditional Japanese, with a dash of China thrown in for good measure. It reminded more of Shanghai than Japan.

The surrounding parks and garden were beautiful - winding pathways, waterfalls, a watermill, cherry blossom... and the ubiquitous carp.

Appearance of the bride.

My daughter Seren spies on the rehearsals.

It was a simple, but elegant service.

Now here's somewhere that really is in the middle of nowhere. Last weekend was spent in Fujiya Hotel, Hakone National Park's oldest western-style hotel.

The whole family was there to celebrate my sister-in-law's wedding, which took place in the hotel chapel. Half way up the side of a long-dormant volcano, the scenery is fabulously beautiful.

Here's another children's illustrator's blog from the UK I just came across. Lots of images to warm the cockles of an old ex-pat's heart and remind him of old merrie England

Middle of Nowhere

Middle of nowhere? Looks more like the middle of Oxfordshire to me, a place I'm actually thinking of moving to if I ever leave Japan.

..... and this is how she appeared in the final story.

More doodles on the train. It takes just half an hour to get into Shibuya (central Tokyo) from my area, but I try to utilise the time as best I can, often by working out sketch ideas for current jobs. Here's some quickly jot ideas for an evil hag character in Jenny Nimmo's "The Blue Boa", which I recently illustrated.
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